Become a donor

Become a regular donor or make a one-time gift. Start by choosing among the payment options below. Next, you’ll have a chance to direct your donation to a specific area. We are a registered charity and donations are tax deductible. Our Charitable Organization Registration Number is 132726266 RR 0001

1. By credit card, PayPal, or GooglePay via CanadaHelps: Donate Now Through!

2. By automatic bank withdrawal (for regular donations only):

3. In person Sunday mornings by collection plate envelopes – email us at CHWUC or call us at 902-434-7714

Foodbank donations

We also gratefully accept non-perishable food items and gift card donations to our Foodbank ministry – they can be dropped off in the church office during regular business hours, or in the vestibule at Sunday service.