
Rev. Michael Mugford – Lead Minister

Michael grew up in Dartmouth and graduated with his MDiv from the Atlantic School of the Theology in 1999. He was appointed to Cole Harbour in July 2016 and became one of the called ministers in 2017.  He has served churches on the Eastern Shore and in the Annapolis Valley.  He is married to Tamara and they have 3 children.


Charles Myra – Music Director

Charles Myra is a very talented musician who enjoys working with our choir to challenge them and bring out the best from them. Our choir offers leadership at worship every Sunday and twice a year, they do an evening presentation.  Charles is a graduate of Dalhousie University.



Recent former staff

Rev. Krista Elizabeth Winn was our part-time Associate Minister until 2022. She has since moved on to ministry at the United Church in Shubenacadie, NS.

Don White was our caretaker and retired in 2023.

Penny MacDonald was our Office Administrator from November 2019 until February 2023. She has moved on to a position with another local church.